Geo AI - Sales Forecasting for Retailers, Restaurant Brands & more

Geo AI - Sales Forecasting for Retailers, Restaurant Brands & more

Location Intelligence Software by Targomo


Forecast Sales Performance of Brick and Mortar Businesses:
More than 80% of the success of individual retail chain stores depends on their location. We can predict this success. Based on high quality geo-data and your company data, we develop and train a spatial predictive model to forecast your relevant KPIs such as store revenue, sales or guest count. We integrate the spatial model into TargomoLOOP, providing you with an easy-to-use interface that delivers instant KPI predictions and rich visualisations.

Get a bespoke prediction model:
We learn from your location data and build a prediction model tailored to your brand’s KPIs. After about a month building and testing process, you are able to forecast relevant performance KPIs for any address instantly.

This product is intended for

  • Director of Expansion
  • Expansion Manager
  • Head of Real Estate
  • Director of Business Development
  • Head of Retail
  • Commercial Real Estate Specialist


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