
Assess job-relevant judgment and behavior using The Dilemmas Series™,
ready-to-use Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs), enabling the measurement of behavior using automatic scoring.

When using our best practice and scientific principles to develop these tests, they can be predictive of performance and help hire the right candidate fairly and reliably.

Why SJTs are so popular and effective:
-They are realistic, job relevant, and predictive of future performance.
-Candidates have positive reactions to the assessment in comparison to other test formats.
-They typically have lower subgroup differences compared with other assessment types.

More details:
--The Dilemmas Series™ covers multiple roles and levels: managers and new graduates, as well as administrative, customer services, and call center roles.
-- 4-5 competencies measured in each part of the series
-- No training required
-- Your choice of ready-to-use tests or further customization

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