
Cloud-based PAR Brink POS® helps restaurants run efficiently, improve service accuracy, and reduce wait times for happier guests. Its powerful functionality enables omnichannel ordering and fulfilment, multi-unit administration, intelligent kitchen and staff management, integrated payments, and robust analytics, all on one flexible platform. Brink provides brands of all sizes with the scalability and proven partnership they need to grow. Brink's highly configurable system offers both ready-to-go templates and the ability to tailor branding, menus, and workflows to meet unique needs and its intuitive design ensures that staff learn quickly. Restaurants can also maintain complete control over their tech stack and seamlessly connect all their data with Brink's open API and 250+ out-of-the-box integrations. Plus, a team of 200+ in-house onshore experts provide 24/7 support, so operators can focus on delighting their guests. Choose Brink POS - the real solution for successful restaurants.


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