
🚩 Capture The Flag
A CTF (or Capture The Flag) is a competition where teams or individuals have to solve a number of security-related Challenges. Once each Challenge has been solved successfully, that person finds a "flag" as proof of completion. Whoever solves the most Challenges fastest wins the competition!

⚔️ Hacking Battlegrounds
Hacking Battlegrounds (HBG) are intense, real-time, multiplayer hacking games in the form of timed battles. Battlegrounds include top-notch quality hacking content specially designed by Hack The Box. Diverse difficulty, never-ending fun: play against colleagues head-to-head individually or in teams.

• CTF Marketplace - build and manage events the way you want.
• Scoreboard & analytics - each event comes with its live scoreboard.
• Team Management - assign captains, have them pick teams, and join the fun.
• Private Matches - any event can be kept internal, in a private environment.
• Event Support - dedicated support from HTB delivery team.

This product is intended for

  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Cyber Security Student
  • Cyber Security Specialist
  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Cyber Security Engineer
  • Cyber Security Manager
  • Director of Cyber Security
  • Network Engineer
  • Network Administrator


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