David Kohl’s Post

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Co-Founder & CEO, Symitri | Safeguarding privacy | Driving transparency | Building the sustainable future for trusted advertising

Nobody should be surprised that despite alternative IDs in the bidstream, marketers aren't seeing scale in audience-driven media. Why? 1 - Advertisers have email addresses; open web publishers don't. The open web was built without authentication, and publishers haven't yet cracked the code on getting people to register for content. Publishers have 1P cookies, and "bridge IDs" were supposed to help. But as usual in our industry, bridging providers got greedy, messing with ID substitution, probabilistic matches and other junk, ruining their deterministic and consented solutions. As a result, we're stuck with incompatibility between buyers (emails) and sellers (1P cookies). 2 - Shared IDs pose a legal risk to 1P data holders. The larger the publisher, the more lawyers they hire. Thus, the publishers with the greatest scale recognize the regulatory risk of linking their valuable audience relationships to a permanent identifier in the bidstream. European case law questions the validity of consumer consent, as companies can't realistically ask audiences to share their data with unknown entities. Furthermore, how can a publisher revoke consent effectively? You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. Consent is questionably valid at best. 3 - Smart publishers and advertisers don't want to share their most-valuable customers for free. Trusted consumer relationships are incredibly valuable. The last 15 years have taught us all that data leakage commoditizes premium inventory and fuels competitive intelligence between brands. It's an economic disaster we continue to perpetuate. No wonder shared IDs lack scale. ---- The bottom line?... Audience addressability and measurement depend on some level of connectivity. But there remains a significant incompatibility between buyers and sellers, and beyond the technical hurdles, throwing new-gen IDs into the bidstream and praying for protection isn't the answer.

Alternative IDs Hold Promise, But Lack Scale | AdExchanger

Alternative IDs Hold Promise, But Lack Scale | AdExchanger


Christopher Dorsey

VP, Business Development @ Zeta Global | Advertising & Marketing Technology Advisor | Rookie Father


This is exactly where Zeta Global enters the conversation. With over 242M permissioned, opt-in email addresses — one of the most durable (if not THE most durable) IDs available, we bring people and brands together seamlessly.


The funniest thing about this whole transformational shift is the pure irony of the terms that have emerged: "Alternate IDs" should refer to all device IDs including cookies, MAIDs, and IPs and the black-box inferred or derived (or just made up) synthetic IDs, NOT the emails, phone numbers, and postal addresses that a human actually associates with. "Signal Loss" should be renamed "Noise-Reduction", and we should celebrate it. Signal is actual people IDs that are finite in number, mapped to census, NOT the infinite device IDs and synthetic derived IDs that are mathematically extrapolated for the convenience of supply chain partners who make money on tonnage of uncertain quality and fidelity.

Olaf Peters-Kim

„Creative is not who you are – it is what you do“ S. Godin


Thank you, David. May I suggest a change in perspective? "Audience addressability" implies that advertisers and agencies are the ones "selecting" people to consume their ads, which seems anachronistic in our consumer-driven world. A more modern approach, leveraging the technical possibilities of the internet, is to allow the audience to select the ads that are relevant to them. I understand this requires a significant shift in mindset, but it works. Especially in privacy-safe as well as advertising indifferent environments.

Keith Petri

CEO @lockr // Data Advocate


Point #3 🔥

Stanislav Hnatyuk

Chief Executive Officer


David Kohl, insightful analysis on digital advertising challenges. Thoughts on potential solutions?

Robert Blanck

Media | Data & Privacy | Advertising | Commerce | Tech Know How | Leadership with Energy



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