From the course: Windows 11: Administration

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Working with notifications and actions

Working with notifications and actions - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 11: Administration

Working with notifications and actions

- [Teacher] In this section, I'd like to talk about notification and actions in Windows 11. So off the Start menu, I'll type in notifications, and I'll see an option for Notifications & action settings in the System settings. I'll click on that. And the first thing you may notice is I have my notifications currently turned off. In reality, most Windows 11 PCs I work on I do have the notifications turned on. I find the majority of them are pretty useful, but when I'm recording training videos I usually turn off the notifications because they can become a little bit distracting. But normally I would have these turned on. We have a lot of options in this interface, almost all of them are basically yes or no. You can turn it on or turn it off. So overall, I'll turn on Notifications and that gives me some options underneath where specifically for the suggested notifications I can individually turn those on or off for One Drive…
