From the course: Windows 11: Administration

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Desktop versions of Windows 11

Desktop versions of Windows 11 - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 11: Administration

Desktop versions of Windows 11

- [Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk a little bit about the different versions of Windows 11. On the Microsoft website, you can find documentation about the different versions and which features are available in which editions. The three main versions right now are Windows 11 Home, Windows 11 Pro, and Windows 11 Pro for Workstations. If you're using any of these versions, you should have the majority of features I'm going to be covering in this course. Most features, as you see, as you scroll down, most features are available in all three versions. A few differences I wanted to point out, one is BitLocker. BitLocker is not available in the Home Edition, but it is available in the other two editions and the same holds for Active Directory. Support for Active Directory is not included with the Home Edition, but it is included with Pro and Pro for Workstations. I'll be talking briefly about Active Directory and…
