From the course: Windows 11: Administration

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Configuring storage in Windows 11

Configuring storage in Windows 11 - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 11: Administration

Configuring storage in Windows 11

- [Instructor] Now we're going to talk about configuring storage in Windows 11. So off the Start menu, I'll open up Settings. And at the top level under System, I have the option for Storage, which will take me into the Storage interface. You can also get to the same interface by searching for storage here in the left-hand search box or off the Start menu if you search for storage. You'll probably end up in the same place. It's always seemed a little odd to me that Storage does not appear in the left-hand menu, because it seems really important, but that's fine. It's still fairly easy to get to. When I pull up Storage, I get information for my local disk C, which is 126 gigabytes, and that is the only disk drive I have in this machine. If you have multiple disk drives in yours, then you will probably see a listing of each of those drives and some information about it. Right under the label of Local Disk C, we see a nice…
