From the course: Windows 11: Administration

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Adding Microsoft accounts to a Windows 11 PC

Adding Microsoft accounts to a Windows 11 PC - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 11: Administration

Adding Microsoft accounts to a Windows 11 PC

- [Martin] In this section we're going to talk about adding a Windows account to a Microsoft PC. So off the Start menu I'll type in Users, and that'll give me the option to Add, edit, or remove other users. I'll click on that. And under Other users I have the option to add an account. It's going to prompt me for the sign in of the person's Microsoft account. So I'll go ahead and enter that now. And then click Next. And then it says, Good to go. The first time the user logs in they will need to be connected to the internet and gives me the option to finish. So it never asks me for the password, it just asks me for the username. When this user attempts to log into this Windows 11 PC for the first time, it will connect to the internet and verify their password against their Microsoft account. Now that the user is here I have two options, I could remove and I think that's self-explanatory. The other option is to change the…
