From the course: Wavelet Analysis: Applications with Wolfram Language

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Edge Detection on Images

Edge Detection on Images

Now let us shift our focus to the field of image processing. In the field of image processing, one of the most common things you would tend to do is edge detection. So let's spend a couple of minutes talking about how wavelet analysis can be used to perform edge detection on images. Now, recall that edge detection is in some sense quite similar to detecting events and discontinuities in a time series. And so we are going to use the same principles that we have looked at for detecting discontinuities in order to detect edges in an image. So as an example, we're going to start with detecting the edges of the following image. You're going to perform a DiscreteWaveletTransform on this image using a SymletWavelet, and we are going to perform four levels of decomposition. As usual, we first want to visualize what kind of coefficient, what the coefficients look like. And you can do that using WaveletImagePlot. This is the variable we have given to the transformation, and we apply an image…
