From the course: Unix Essential Training

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What is Unix?

What is Unix?

- [Instructor] Let's begin by getting an understanding of what Unix is and how it got to the point where it is today. Unix is an operating system. It was created around 1970 by AT&T employees working at Bell Labs. Many of the Bell Labs employees were involved in the design of a mainframe operating system called MULTICS, short for Multiplex Information and Computing Service. Back then, mainframes were expensive, so users were granted timesharing slots to do their work often by logging in from a remote terminal with less computing power. MULTICS was designed to manage that remote login timesharing process. But MULTICS became a large and complex project, and Bell Labs decided to pull out of it. But the employees who'd worked on it still liked the project's goals. So almost as a side project, they worked on building a smaller and simpler version. Their first version only supported a single user, so as a play on the name…
