From the course: Unix Essential Training

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System information commands

System information commands - Unix Tutorial

From the course: Unix Essential Training

System information commands

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to learn about some commands that provide some useful information about the system that we're working on. We're going to be looking at several. We're going to learn about date, uptime, users, who. Uname, df and du. Let's go to the command line and see how they're used. Let's start with the date command, it does exactly what you'd expect returns the current system date whatever the system date has been set to. We can also use uptime and it will tell us how long the system has been online. You can see that it's been one day in 31 minutes since my computer was rebooted. Sleeping the computer doesn't count this is only from reboots. It also provide some other information like the current time, the number of users and the load averages. A better way to find out what the users are is to type users, they'll give you a list of all users who are logged into the system. Right now I'm the…
