From the course: Unix Essential Training

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Profile, login, and resource files

Profile, login, and resource files - Unix Tutorial

From the course: Unix Essential Training

Profile, login, and resource files

- [Narrator] In this chapter, we'll learn how to configure your Unix environment. To configure your environment, you're going to add code to one of several files. And the files that you'll use depend on the Unix shell that you're using. But the different files have a lot of similarities. So let's start by looking at the very popular bash shell to get an idea. When you first log into a new bash shell, Unix is going to process a couple of different configuration files. They're both dot files that exist in the base of your user home directory. That's what that little tilde at the beginning indicates. So we have bash_profile, and bash_login. Bash profile is the main one, login is really there mostly for legacy purposes and doesn't get used very often. There's another configuration file called .bashrc with no underscore that also can exist in the user home directory. This is the file that gets run whenever bash starts…
