From the course: Unix Essential Training

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- [Kevin] Thank you for taking Unix Essential Training with me. We covered all the basics that you need to work with Unix. These are the fundamental skills you're going to use over and over. There's a lot more Unix can do. And these core skills will provide a solid foundation to build on. Remember that you can use the man command to read the manual page for most Unix commands. This example will tell you all about the find command. This is a great way to learn more about the command and the options that you can provide. I learned a lot of my Unix skills by reading those man pages. I still refer to them frequently. The other key to building your Unix skills is just to get in there and try it, get comfortable with the basics. When you get stuck, researching the answer will level up your skills. I hope that you'll enjoy using Unix as much as I do. Until next time, happy coding.
