From the course: Unix Essential Training

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File and directory permissions

File and directory permissions - Unix Tutorial

From the course: Unix Essential Training

File and directory permissions

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll learn about File and Directory Permissions. Before we can learn to set permissions, we have to learn something about the notation that Unix uses to describe them. Go to your command line and type ls -la. Take a look at that first column. The first letter, the d or the dash, indicates if it's a file or a directory, and the l tells us if it's a symlink. The next nine characters, the ones that are r, w, x or dash, those are the permissions on that file or directory. Let's learn what those characters mean. When you take those nine characters that represent the File Permission, you want to look at them in sets of three. The first set of three are the user permissions. The second set are group permissions. And the third set are permissions for other or everyone else in the world. User, group, and other are the three categories of permissions. Each category has three permissions to it.…
