From the course: The Step-by-Step Guide to Rock Your Job Interview

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Questions to ask your interviewer

Questions to ask your interviewer

- You have been taught that you need to ask questions in a job interview to impress the interviewer. Sure, a good question can be impressive, but I believe that the real reason you ask questions is to decide if the role is right for you and whether you even want it. So reframe, "What should I ask the interviewer?" to, "What do I want to know about?" And to help you narrow that down, I want you to ask yourself two questions. First, "Do I fully understand the role, the expectations, "and what success will look like, "and how performance will be measured in this role?" If not, ask the hiring manager as many questions as you need to have crystal clarity on what you're committing to. And number two, ask yourself, "What's important to me in my next role?" For example, maybe you are a new parent and work-life balance is your number-one priority. You can ask the interviewer, "Can you provide some insights "into the typical working hours of the team?" Or maybe career growth is your focus right…
