From the course: The Step-by-Step Guide to Rock Your Job Interview

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Close the interview strong

Close the interview strong

- As the interviewer myself, I always pay attention to how a candidate opens the interview and how they finish it, and most people leave it up to the interviewer to close it. It looks something like, "That's all I have for today. Do you have any questions?" And sometimes interviewees ask a few, often they don't. When they do, the most common question is, "When will I hear back?" But it doesn't feel like a strong finish, does it? So here's what I want you to do instead. First, reiterate your interest. Most job seekers believe that interviewing for a job shows their interest, but that's not how the employers see it. Employers want confirmation that you don't want just any job. You want this job. And the end of the interview is the perfect time to reiterate your interest based on what you learned about the job during the interview. The key here is to be specific about exactly what you're excited about. Here's what you can say. "I really enjoyed our conversation and I loved what I heard…
