From the course: The New Rules of Work

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Rule #1: Become a lifelong learner

Rule #1: Become a lifelong learner

From the course: The New Rules of Work

Rule #1: Become a lifelong learner

- Because what we do for work and how we learn are inextricably linked, we're going to shift now from the new rules of work to the new rules of learning. Remember that our industrial era model of education that's designed to manufacture learners on a mass scale is no longer up to the task of preparing young people for adult life in a time of rapid change. Instead, we need a completely new model of learning that lasts through out our entire lives and helps us to continually adapt to a rapidly changing world. Now, perhaps the best and earliest overview of lifelong learning was in a book called "The Three Boxes of Life and How To Get Out of Them" by Dick Bolles, who also wrote, "What Color Is Your Parachute?" the enduring career manual. - In "Three Boxes" Dick Bolles said that we have three major components of our lives, a big chunk of learning at the beginning, then a big chunk of work, and finally a big chunk of…
