From the course: The Data Science Playbook for Private Equity and Venture Capital

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Which departments will benefit from data science?

Which departments will benefit from data science?

- [Instructor] Once you've identified the target company, the next considerations are the department and projects within the company itself. What are the key target areas in the organization? Where do you want to implement data science, as well as what specific data-related activities? In identifying target areas in the organization, there are a number of obvious candidates. Senior management need to have guidance on the data-related strategies themselves. Marketing departments often have clear opportunities for implementing data science to target their customers and assess the impact of their marketing strategies. Another opportunity is the business intelligence areas. They're tightly linked to many of the data science projects. Financial analysis and operations have a long list of potential data science opportunities, and human resource is particularly a ripe area for data science. Data science can make key human resource…
