From the course: The Data Science Playbook for Private Equity and Venture Capital

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What you should know for this course

What you should know for this course

- [Narrator] A critical question you might be asking is, what do I need to know, or do to get the most out of this course? And that's a great question. It's important to start with the basics of what you need to do to get value out of this course, and what you need to do is be engaged. Not just listen to the videos, but do the exercises. Do the practice quizzes. Think actively about the material and how it relates to your work now, or can relate to your work in the future. Make sure that you're actively trying to learn as much as possible from the materials. I know it's easy to just watch a video and feel like you've learned the information and move on, but trust me, you'll get a lot more out of this by actually doing the exercises and the quizzes. Now, back to that critical question. What should you know well before taking this course? The truth is, those taking this course can range from those actively working for a…
