From the course: The Data Science Playbook for Private Equity and Venture Capital

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Utilizing unsupervised machine learning applications

Utilizing unsupervised machine learning applications

- We've talked about the Data Science Playbook elements that fall in the category of supervised machine learning. That is, situations where there's a specific outcome you're trying to predict. It is important to note that there are a lot of other elements of the Data Science Playbook that don't fall in the category of supervised machine learning. Unsupervised machine learning applications don't have a specific outcome being predicted. Here are some examples of other elements in the Data Science Playbook that don't involve a target variable. Customer Segmentation involves grouping the customers into clusters of similar characteristics and behaviors. Whether your portfolio company is a B2B or B2C company, the company has a set of customers. Grouping them into clusters rather than treating them like a single group allows the business to better target customers, improve communications, and improve profitability. Automation…
