From the course: The Data Science Playbook for Private Equity and Venture Capital

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Barriers to implementing data science

Barriers to implementing data science

- So far, I've outlined why private equity firms and venture capital firms are very well-positioned to use data science. So an obvious question then becomes, "Why aren't all private equity and venture capital firms using it all the time?" Putting that another way, "What are some of the barriers to adopting data science approaches at these companies?" We can think about this systematically, by looking back at things that have changed over time that have made data science so useful. These changes can also be barriers to companies that have not invested in the past. Let's start with if a company doesn't have a history of using data science, then that becomes a cultural barrier. Whether it's at the deal sourcing stage, at the due diligence stage, at the operation stage, or the exit stage. If there's no culture of using data science, then it may not be embraced by senior partners. Rather, they may want to continue using…
