From the course: Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Copilot

Know where AI data is coming from - Microsoft Copilot Tutorial

From the course: Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Copilot

Know where AI data is coming from

- [Instructor] Using chat data to figure out how much food to order for a party is a fairly low-risk activity. If the chat data is incorrect or outdated, the worst thing that could happen is you'll either have too little or too much food. But for riskier scenarios or scenarios involving legal or safety concerns, it's important to double-check Copilot's answers. Microsoft has partnered with OpenAI's ChatGPT. This means you're getting current, up-to-the-minute results with citations, so you know where that information is coming from. In most Copilot responses, you will see these small numbers. These are citations. They're links that take you to the website where it found this information. And you can hover your mouse cursor over the number to see a preview, or you could just click on it to go to that website. So you can check that site, make sure it's reliable, reputable, and make sure it's current. It's always worth remembering that these answers are coming from somewhere, and you should know where that is. Usually you'll also see links related to information below a response, like these. These will offer more resources if you want to do more research. And if you're happy with the answer, you can click this thumbs up button to like it. If you get the wrong answer or incorrect information, you can click the dislike button, and that's going to help train Copilot for future answers.
