From the course: Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Copilot

Compose text with Copilot - Microsoft Copilot Tutorial

From the course: Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Copilot

Compose text with Copilot

- [Instructor] Copilot can help you write or rewrite text by composing drafts for you. As you use these features, I strongly recommend you use the AI generated text only as drafts to give you ideas or help you get started. You should always rewrite and revise for your specific needs. Now I'm doing a guest speaking engagement for a company and they'd like me to give them a bio. I currently don't have one, so I'm going to use Copilot to compose one for me. Starting at, I can simply go to the chat field and ask it to compose something. (keyboard clicks) I'll hit the Return key and look at the draft that it gives me. Now, I could copy this text and paste it somewhere, but clearly there's information in this bio that is not completely accurate for me, but this is a good starting point. Of course, I can follow up and ask it for changes. I'll ask it to make this shorter and more friendly. And here's that new version. So you can do that here on the Copilot website. But if you use the Microsoft Edge web browser, the Copilot panel has more options for drafting text. So in the Edge web browser, I'll click the Copilot button in the top right. At the top, I have the Chat tab selected. I'll switch over to the Compose tab, and in the field at the top you can describe the draft that you want. For this example, I've been tasked with composing a letter to a customer about a late payment. So I'll type that description in here. Now, I don't need to write, create a draft or write this, I can just describe what I want here in this Composition panel. Then below that, there are options that I can set for this draft, I'll choose the professional tone. For format, I'll choose email, and for length, I'll set this to short. Then I'll click Generate draft, and it gives me that draft. Now this draft will have placeholder text that I would need to rewrite. And you can make changes directly in this field or you could click this Refresh button near the bottom right to generate a new draft with the same settings, or you could even scroll up and change any of these settings, then click the Generate draft button again. And once you have something you like, there is a copy button right here on this panel, so you could copy that and paste it somewhere else. Now for another example, I'm going to switch over to this document. Now this is a document, but I'm working on the Google Docs website, and I'd like to create a social media post about this. So since I'm making a request related to a webpage that's open, I want to do this here in the Chat tab. And I'll type in my request. So I can just ask it to create a social media post about this, and this refers to the webpage that's open. And it gives me a draft for that social media post. I could copy this and paste it anywhere I want, but let's ask it for a version that's more suitable for LinkedIn. And this format will be more appropriate for LinkedIn. So in the Chat tab, you can ask it to compose something related to a page or a document that's open in the web browser. But in the Compose tab, it will ignore the page that's open and will give you more specific tools for composition. Let's see one more example here in the Compose tab. This time I'm going to ask it for something related to one of our clients, a company that runs hotels. They're going to start a podcast about exploring hotels, so I want to come up with some good podcast titles. So in the text field at the top, I can just type in "Podcast titles about exploring hotels." I'll change the tone to funny, I'll change the format to ideas, and we can keep the length set to short, and I'll click Generate draft. Not only did it come up with some great titles, but it also included some taglines for me. So that's how you can use Copilot to also come up with ideas for you.
