From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Working with subassemblies

Working with subassemblies

- [Instructor] Now that we've learned how to make an assembly inside of SolidWorks, we're going to make an assembly of an assembly, and we consider that a subassembly. So let's go ahead and dive in here. So you can see here I've got this 11.4 assembly right now, and we want to create an assembly of this assembly. So we can come up here to File and come down here to Make Assembly from Assembly. Click on that, no big deal. Grab a template, click OK. Now click on the green check mark. It's going to bring in that one document that I already have opened up, and there it is. Okay, now I've got this subassembly inside of this assembly, and now this is what we consider a top level assembly. Okay, so I can go over here, and I can hold down Control and drag in another copy of that subassembly, right? Or if you actually twirl this down, you can see the parts that make up this assembly. I can bring one of those in too. I can make a copy of that. So I can hold down Control and just drag in a copy…
