From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Working with ellipses and conics

Working with ellipses and conics - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Working with ellipses and conics

- [Instructor] Ellipses, conics and parabolas. Oh my. That's right, let's get into it. All right, let's go over here and start a sketch. And in my sketch, I'm going to zoom in here and look at that front plane. And right over here, you can see that we have some different conics and ellipses and other shapes that we can use. And they're right over here. Click on the ellipse. Now, here's our ellipse, our partial ellipse, our parabola, and of course, our friend the conic. All right, starting with the ellipse. Generally, you're going to start where you want the center of the ellipse to be. Just like you're going to draw a circle out, and then you're going to define what that radius wants to be. So here's my first radius and here is kind of my second radius, R1 and R2. So click here and now we've got a nice little ellipse. You can operate and work with this very similar to a regular circle. If you grab the center point, you can move that thing around and drag it around. You can grab these…
