From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Working with drawing templates

Working with drawing templates - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Working with drawing templates

- [Instructor] In SOLIDWORKS, anytime you start a new part, or an assembly, or a drawing, you start with a template. Now, let me show you how that all works. If you come up here under New, click on this little new icon here, this is the Advanced Mode, but you can also switch over to the Novice Mode so you have that part, you have the assembly, or you have the drawing, and each of those are going to pull the default template. But if you want more selections, you can click over here to Advanced. And you can see here, I've got this little tab at the top of the screen, and you can flip through the different tabs. And these are some different templates that you can choose from. So right here under this templates here, you can see I've got several different Part templates here, I've got an Assembly template, and then I have this Drawing template here. And these are drawing templates that I've linked together. I've actually added the path to the location of where these happen to be. Now, you…
