From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Using the Spline tool

Using the Spline tool

- [Instructor] Splines are some of the most powerful, but also some of the most complicated sketch entities that you can create and work with. So let me show you how they work. So right over here, I've got a sketch going here and I've got the spline tool right up here. And there's a couple different options for splines, right? I have the regular spline, I also have these style spline, as well as an equation driven curve. We'll be covering that in the future video, but right now, let's focus on the regular spline. So with the regular spline, you kind of click where you want to start it and notice it starts that as a straight line, and click again, and now you kind of bend through there, click again in a couple places and then hit Escape when you're done. So you have these kind of control points at the end and you can move these points around, and notice as soon as you click on them, you get this little, it's like a direction vector and you can actually pull on that direction vector…
