From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Using the Mirror tools

Using the Mirror tools

- [Instructor] There's two different ways that you can mirror things inside of SolidWorks. One of them is you can do a sketch mirror, and number two is you can do a body or feature mirror, once you've actually already created some type of a solid. So it really depends on what you're doing and how you're doing it as whether you want to create it in the sketch or actually once you've created those features. I generally recommend doing it the latter there. So you just want to create one half of it as a sketch and then create the body and then mirror the body or mirror the feature over. It's generally better to do that, but there may be situations that you might want to do a more elaborate sketch and you want to use the mirror commands and that's what we're going to learn about in this video. So let me show you how that works. First things first, here is this little triangle and that triangle is what I want to mirror over, and anytime you're going to mirror anything, you need to mirror…
