From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Using the Mirror command

Using the Mirror command

- [Instructor] Whenever you're working in a CAD software and you can use something like a mirror command or a pattern command, you're really leveraging the power of that software. You know, in the old days, you could draw on a sheet of paper for instance, and then the AutoCAD came out and AutoCAD allowed you to draw some lines on there and you could pretty much draw at about the same rate on a piece of paper where you maybe in the computer. But when you start doing things like mirroring and patterning, then you start really using all the power of that computer and you can really do a lot of work very quickly. So in SolidWorks, it's the same thing. Why draw things over and over again when I can just mirror them or find some symmetry in the part and just use one section of it. So right here on this part you see in front of me, it's a pretty straightforward block, right? So here's my block and I'm going to go ahead and just look at that top surface of the block. And let's take a look at…
