From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Using the Hole Wizard in context

Using the Hole Wizard in context - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Using the Hole Wizard in context

- [Instructor] Can you imagine if you had a plate like this one you see on the screen here, and you wanted to put some holes that were directly below these bolt holes here or these counter board holes, and the tapped holes would just follow it around. I could move it to this side, I can move to that side, and those holes would automatically follow where it is. Well, guess what? We have some in-context features. We've already seen a few of them being used, but now I'm going to show you how to use the hole wizard in context. It's pretty straightforward. Let's go ahead and choose this feature right here or actually this part. And I'm going to say I want to come up here and edit the part, right? So I want to look at this top surface here, and let's go ahead and click on the top there so we can see the top straight down. And now let's go over here to the hole wizard, right? And the hole that I'm looking for is just a tapped hole. It's an antsy inch. I'm going to go with just a through hole…
