From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Using the Convert Entities tool

Using the Convert Entities tool - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Using the Convert Entities tool

- [Instructor] So the Convert Entity tool is one of the more powerful tools inside of SolidWorks, and it really leverages that associativety and the parametrics of the software. So it allows us to really pull data in and link things together and it really makes it very powerful. So let me show you how it works. First things first, I've got a part already designed here, and I want to make another part that's derived from that part. So I have a sketch right above it. I'm going to go ahead and start a sketch here, and I'm going to choose, I'm actually spin it around here in 3D so I can look at it from the side. And I'm going to choose this surface right here. So, I just want to make another thing like this thing, this referencing it, right? So I can say Convert Entities. Click on this one right here. And notice it takes all that exterior geometry from the original part and brings it into my current sketch. Now you can do this with a multi-body part, like you see right here. You can do…
