From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Using the Autodimension tool

Using the Autodimension tool

- [Instructor] Hey, ChatGPT. Can you please dimension my drawing for me? Just kidding. Now, we don't have that functionality quite yet, but what we do have is the Auto Dimension Tool. So if you've got a drawing over here, and instead of you wanting to manually dimension this entire part, I can actually use the Auto Dimension Tool, and you can do that right over here under Smart Dimension. So click on Smart Dimension, and notice we've got this original one over here called Dimension Expert, but we also have Auto Dimension. So if you click over here in Auto Dimension, all you need to do is give SOLIDWORKS a few pieces of information, and it'll do most of the other work for you, right? So you can choose if you want all the entities in view or just selected ones, but we only have one view, so let's just choose the first one. And then the scheme. Do we want to use the Baseline, the Chain, or the Ordinate dimensioning scheme? So you can choose how you want that part to be dimensioned. And…
