From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Using Equations for Custom Properties

Using Equations for Custom Properties - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Using Equations for Custom Properties

- [Instructor] When you're working with custom properties for a part, you have the ability to use equations in the actual descriptions. Let me show you how it works. Right over here you can see I've got a part, and if I come up here to the custom properties, notice I've got the basic description and things like that. But if you look at this box right here called text, it's the type, and instead of just regular text, you can actually choose something like the date and put it in there or the number or yes or no questions. Or you can use something like an equation. So you can link all these things together. So if you click on this box here, you have the option of choosing like a function. So you can create a function here, or you can grab some of the properties of the part and you can start adding those things into this description. You also have the ability to use global variables here, but notice they're not showing up. And that's because we don't have any global variables used. So if…
