From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Using equations and linked variables

Using equations and linked variables - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Using equations and linked variables

- [Instructor] SolidWorks has some powerful tools for working with equations and linked variables. Let me show you how to get access to those global variables or those equations inside of SolidWorks. Now, they'll automatically show up once you start using them, but I want to show them all the time. So if I click on this little icon here at the top, right click on it, and I come over here to hidden tree items. If I come down here at the very bottom of that, say hide or show tree items. And right over here you can see that we've got some things that are shown automatically and some things that are not. So one of them is equations, and they're turn on automatically to start using them, but I just want to show them and notice right over here, it's going to start showing as soon as I click on Okay. And now you see, here's equations, right? So inside of equations, I can go in here and say, Manage Equations. And I get this little window that pops up here. So here's my global variables, some…
