From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Using design tables

Using design tables

- By using design tables inside of SolidWorks, we have all the power of Microsoft Excel linked to our SolidWorks files. We can individually tie dimensions to cells inside of Excel spreadsheet and then drive that part from those cells. It's a pretty powerful thing. It's great for creating families of parts. Let's go ahead and dive in to using design tables in SolidWorks. SolidWorks gives you the ability to use Microsoft Excel to drive your part configurations. We can create a link between an Excel file and our part here, and then any values I type in there will automatically show up here to drive this component. To do that, we need to come up here and say insert, and then come down here to tables and then come over here to design table. Click on that, and notice we have the auto-create option, which we use most of the time. Go ahead and click on OK, and what that's going to do, it's going to search the part itself and it's going to find all the available dimensions or sketches that we…
