From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Trimming and extending a sketch

Trimming and extending a sketch - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Trimming and extending a sketch

- For this next video, we're going to be working with the trim and extend tools inside of SolidWorks. So if you've got a sketch, let me show you how to go ahead and use the trim tool, and right below the trim tool over here is the extend tool. So let's jump into the trim tool first, and right over here you got a couple different options. You've got the power trim, you got corner trim, trim away inside, trim away outside, trim to closest, and you have a couple other modifiers down here you can turn on or off, which allow you to turn those trim entities into construction geometry or ignore construction geometry. So, I pretty much only use power trim but I want to start at the bottom and I'm going to start and show you how to trim to closest. So trim to closest, notice my cursor now is this little pair of scissors. And if I hover over a line segment, it will turn that segment into, it looks red right now. The click, is going to remove that segment. Same thing over here, click and you're…
