From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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SOLIDWORKS templates

SOLIDWORKS templates

- [Instructor] Anytime you create any type of document inside of SolidWorks, it's going to use a template. So it's a part, it's a assembly, it's a drawing, it doesn't matter. They're all starting with a template. And you might be saying, well, what is a template? Well, a template is basically just a blank document, but it has some information stored with it. The most basic might be something like which unit system you're using. Are you using inches or are you using millimeters, right? So when you start that document up, what's it look like? What's the background look like? What unit system are we in? Things like that. Let me show you how it works. Right over here, I'm going to go and choose the little home screen here, or welcome screen and notice it pops up over here and I've got a few different options here for part assembly and drawing. But if you click on advanced, notice I get this little window that pops up here and it's showing me the different available templates that I have…
