From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Slice tool

Slice tool

- [Narrator] If you happen to be working with something like an STL file, which is like a 3D printing file, or pretty much any other imported solid, you have the ability inside of SolidWorks to bring that in and then slice it up, and then you can create some things like a loft or really just manipulate and work with the individual slices of that part. So right over here I've got a file that I'm trying to open up here, and right here is the part and it's an STL file, and if you click over here on that part, I have the options of bringing this in multiple different ways, so I can import any of these file types here as either a solid body, a surface body, or a graphics body. If I just choose a graphics body, which is probably the least powerful of those, it's just going to give me a kind of a graphic representation of that. Obviously, the surface body's going to bring in a surface, and a solid body is going to go to try to bring in whatever you've brought in and try to form a solid from…
