From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Sketching polygons

Sketching polygons

- [Instructor] Let's talk about polygons. Now, poly means many, and gons means angled shape. So anything that has multiple angles is pretty much a polygon. So we can start with a triangle, a square, a hexagon, or an octagon. They all have many sides to them. So if you want to create any of those things, go over here and create a sketch. Let's try the front plane and come over here to the polygon tool. So click on the polygon tool, and you can see here the first option is make for construction, so if you want it to be construction, you can click on that box. And right over here you have a bunch of options. You can determine how many sides your shape's going to have. Well, if you click all the way down, the minimum is three, it has to have at least three sides to be a polygon, and you have the option of either in an inscribed circle or a circumscribed circle. So let's go ahead and just click once where we want the center of our polygon to be, and then drag up one of these points. Notice…
