From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Sketch Ink

Sketch Ink

- [Instructor] For this video, we're going to be learning about Sketch Ink. Now, Sketch Ink allows you to use a pen or a touchscreen tablet and draw and sketch inside of SolidWorks. To get started, we need to turn on the toolbar. So up here under features or sketch, any one of these little tabs, right click on any one of those. Come over here to tabs and turn on Sketch Ink. Then click on that tab and now we have this sketching toolbar. Come over here and choose something like the front plane and go ahead and start a sketch. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and grab my tablet pen. I happen to be using a Wacom tablet right now and I grab the pen and now I can start drawing directly on the screen, like this. This also works if you have for instance, like a laptop with a touch screen, you can use that as well. So for right now, first thing I want to do is I want to head over here and I'm going to click on the color. So I can choose something like orange and I can adjust…
