From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Mechanical Mates

Mechanical Mates

- [Instructor] Mechanical mates are one of the most powerful type of mates you can add inside of SolidWorks, and they're also one of the most fun. You can create some really interesting motion by using some of these mates. So the first thing I want to do is come up here under assembly, come over here to mates. And this time we're going to go ahead and choose the mechanical toolbar or the mechanical tab at the top here. And the very first one is going to be the cam or the cam follower. The first question is, hey, what is that cam path? What are we going to follow around here? So I've created this little cam here for us. So I'm going to choose that one there and notice it selects the entire outside surface as the cam path. How about the cam follower? I'm going to choose this little top surface right there. Those two parts are going to come together, click on okay, and now if I rotate this around, well, uh oh, we got a problem. So what happened was is that my follower, it came to the…
