From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] When you're working on a new part in SolidWorks, more than likely, you're going to want to do some measuring. You're going to want to figure out how big a feature is, how long something is, and especially if you're working on a part that you haven't created, maybe somebody else created the part and you're just trying to get familiar with that part. Well, let's go ahead and do some measuring. So the first and easiest way to get to the measuring tool is to come over here under "features" and then go over a few and turn on "evaluate". And if your tabs aren't in the same order, that's fine because SolidWorks is configurable. So make sure you turn on the evaluate toolbar, right under here, under "tabs" you can say, you evaluate, make sure that's turned on, and then inside there will be the measure tool. So notice if you click on the measure tool we get this little window that pops up here, and you got a few different options. And the very first thing here is how do you want…
