From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Mating parts with Advanced Mates

Mating parts with Advanced Mates - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Mating parts with Advanced Mates

- [Instructor] In most assemblies, your basic mate tools will work just fine. However, sometimes you have a more complicated situation and you need to bring in the big guns. Well, the big guns are the advanced mate tools, and let me show you how they work. So right over here you can see I've got an assembly. And right over here we can click on the Mate tool. And notice we're in the Standard mate tab here at the top, right? But we also have Mechanical, we have Analysis, and we have Advanced Mate. So click on the Advanced Mates one. And now we've got a bunch of these new mate tools we can use. So, the first one's going to be called profile center. So I'm going to click on that one right there. And choose something like this surface right here. And how about like, the bottom of this component right over here. And what that does, it just puts this shape inside of that shape, right in the center, and it mates the two together. Now you have a couple other options. You could rotate them…
