From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Making revolved cuts

Making revolved cuts

- [Instructor] A revolved cut is pretty similar to a regular revolve and it needs a axis of rotation where it's going to spin around and it needs some enclosed boundary as its profile, right? So you're going to need a profile to revolve that around. So let's go ahead and create some geometry here. So I've got a couple of blocks here, and I have this plane, Right Plane right here. I'm going to say let's create a sketch and I'm going to choose a circle, and I'm going to snap that circle right to the end of this little rectangular block right over here, okay? Now I'm going to go over here to Features and I'm going to say Extruded Cut. And I know what you're saying. You're saying, "Hey, we're trying to revolves here," but I want to show you comparison. So let's go ahead and just try this out. So I'm going to say Through All Both and cut it away. And you can see it cuts a perfect little half circle right there. If I look at that face, you can see that it's a half circle right there. Well…
