From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Making linear patterns

Making linear patterns

- Just like we can create patterns in individual parts, we can also create patterns inside of an assembly. So let me show you what I want to do. First off, I want to take this component here. I've got this little cap I want to put there, and I want to put this little cone inside there. And then I want to pattern that into all these little spots here on this purple part. Now, to do that, I could easily grab this component, pattern it, grab that component, pattern it, but it makes a lot more sense to create a subassembly of these three components over here, and then pattern that. So let me show you what I'm going to do here. So right over here, I've actually already opened up a part and I've created that little subassembly. If I do the section view, you can see I've got the little cone inside there, I've got the cap on there and I'm ready to go. So now I have this subassembly here of that part. Let's go ahead and hit tile horizontally. And I'm going to drag this subassembly now into…
