From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Making an axis

Making an axis

- [Instructor] Anytime you're doing any type of revolve feature or maybe a circular pattern, you're going to need to have an axis of rotation. And I can create axis pretty easily by coming over here to the Features tab. Come over here to Reference Geometry and come down here to axis. Now we have several different ways we can do this, right? So one of them is, I can say I want one line in edge or an axis. So something like that, I could just literally choose like an edge, right? Not that the edge. So then it's going to put a axis right there on the edge. But most of the time you wouldn't really need to do that 'cause you could just choose the edge itself to rotate things around. So it's cool, but it's not that cool, right? So let's go ahead and we'll create the first one though. Let's leave it there and go to the next one, which is going to be two planes, right? So if I choose two planes, I'm going to say, "Hey, how about maybe the front plane and maybe this right plane," it creates an…
