From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Magnetic Mates

Magnetic Mates

- Magnetic mates are absolutely one of my favorite things inside of SOLIDWORKS. It makes mating components together so easy and it makes it almost like a snap together erector set. It's awesome. Let me show you how to make it work. Okay, the first thing we have to understand is that any part can become a component of a magnetic mate assembly, right? So you can turn any part, you can use the asset publisher and create those mate references in the asset publisher. And once those have been added to a component, you can just drag it into an assembly and it automatically would be active for magnetic mates. Once you have those established, you should see, if you look into a part over here, you can see you have this basic stuff here, and then you also have these mates in here which attach to that component. And if you click on like a part like this, this has got a magnetic mate associated with it, right? So right over here you've got these published references. Inside of there you've got a…
