From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Lofted shapes with guide curves

Lofted shapes with guide curves - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Lofted shapes with guide curves

- [Instructor] Creating a lofted part with guide curves can be a pretty complicated process. It can take quite a long time. So I want to show you how I would do this. Now, right over here you can see I've got a starting plane. I've got the front plane as well as an ending plane, and then I've got some guide curves kind of laid out here. And so I've created a whole bunch of individual sketches way before I've even started to try to create a loft. So you generally want to do all this work ahead of time, lay everything out how you want, and kind of create a skeleton or a wireframe of the shape you're looking for, so then you can create the loft from there. So the basic idea here is I have a point, a single point over here at the start. Then I've got this profile or this shape right here in the middle. And then I have another point at the end, and then I'm going to create a loft between those three different things. And then I'm going to use these guide curves, the one on the top, the one…
