From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Linking drawing notes

Linking drawing notes

- [Instructor] On SolidWorks drawings, we can create links back to the original metadata that's stored in the custom properties. Now, we've seen this already a little bit, but I want to dive in a little deeper on how to do that. So it's always best to have a model actually in your sheet format or your drawing format while you're doing this, because that way you can actually make sure it's linking back to that original part that's in there. So right down here you can see I've got block, I have a drawing number, I have revision A, but notice like drawn by is missing. The date's missing, a bunch of this information down here is missing. That's because this template doesn't have that in there. So let me show you how to do that. So right over here, I'm going to right click and I'm going to say edit sheet format. Now, I'm in the mode of the editing of this template itself, right? And if you go over something like this, block, notice it gives you this kind of cryptic thing that pops up. It…
